Maduro certain to win
With the sudden
death of Hugo Chavez on 5th March Venezuela was plunged into crisis and, as obliged under
the constitution, has to hold new presidential elections which are to take
place on 14 April. Few doubt that on that day Nicolas Maduro, the acting
president, will be elected. He has been accepted with little if any dissent by
those who voted for Chavez and by the progressive political leadership.
Little time was left
for mourning before the country was gripped yet again by election fever. Hugo Chavez
was president of the country for fourteen years, but in that short time he
literally transformed the country. There is hardly another world leader in either
the twentieth or twenty-first centuries who could claim to have had an equally
positive impact not only nationally but on an international level too. There is
a consensus that Chavez’s real lasting legacy will be the system of ‘Misiones’
or ‘missions’ that have been the main tool in transforming the lives of so many
poor Venezuelans.
Most critics of
Chavez seem to ignore the fact that Venezuela was and still is a very under-developed
country, scarred by mass poverty, despite its enormous oil wealth. The
difference now is that, thanks to Chavez’s intervention, the gulf between the
super rich elite and the majority of the population has been narrowed.
When we visited the ‘barrio’ of Petaré in Caracas –
allegedly the biggest shanty town in the world – young members of the PSUV
(United Socialist Party of Venezuela), in their colourful patriotic T-shirts,
were holding an impromptu event in the central square and giving interviews to
a local television team about how they were going to implement the goals Chavez
had set them.
Just off the square we discovered an old colonial building
with a quiet courtyard laced with palm trees and a lower ground floor with
shelves full of children’s books on all sorts of subjects from fairly tales to
philosophy and science. It was a newly established free library. The white
walls were colourfully painted by local children with views of their city. At a
table a teacher was helping another in mastering French. This was another
example of the transformations that the Chavez government has introduced. Nearby
we saw new clinics and a pharmacy where patients can obtain subsidised
However voices like those like the Guardian’s Rory Carroll,
echoing the White House, accuse Chavez of ‘squandering’ the country’s vast oil
wealth and of ‘buying popularity’. The mainstream western media ignore the
enormous internationally-validated progress achieved during Chavez’s
presidency. The right wing presidential candidate, Capriles accuses Chavez and his
party, the PSUV of ‘dividing the country’ that he is promising to ‘reunite’.
This is to ignore the century-old chasm there has always been between rich and
poor. What Chavez has done is to empower the poor to challenge that divide and
to wage the ‘class struggle’ more effectively. While his detractors decry him
as a dictator, they wilfully ignore his government’s immense achievements. The
statistics of these improvements are not only impressive, but seemingly
endless. Of course, Venezuela
is still, despite all that has been done, a severely underdeveloped country,
despite its enormous oil wealth. Over decades, well before Chavez, the
country’s oil wealth had been funnelled out of the country into the US
and offshore bank accounts of the oligarchic super rich. Slowly over the Chavez
period years that is being reversed.
Luckily the fourteen years of the Chavez presidency have brought
forth a whole new generation of capable, knowledgeable and committed socialist
politicians has been schooled and who are determined to continue the country’s
transition to socialism.
Let me list just a few of the achievements of the last ten
- Over 1.7 million people were taught to read and write through Mission Robinson;
- over 820,000 people have been included in secondary school studies and over 565,000 have entered higher education through mssion Ribas and Sucre;
- In the last two yeaars alone, under Mision Vivienda (the project responsible for building new apartments for those in desperate need 300,000 new homes were built by the end of 2012; 20 new universities have been created;
- a subsidised food production and distribution network (Mercal) has been established;
- As a result of Project Canaima, two million computers and seven million free school textbooks have been distributed to school students;
- under Mision Barrio Adentro, more than 3 million free eye surgeries and over 560 million medical consultations have been carried out over nine years;
- child mortality rates in the country have declined by 34%;
- the inclusion
of an additional 520,00 new pensioners into the country’s pension system
through mission Greater Love, meaning that now more than 2 million people get
a state pension;
And it was announced that by February unemployment had
fallen to 7.6% - compare that with the rates in Spain of Greece as a result of
the crisis of capitalism. These statistics are not based on internal government
figures; most have been validated by international institutions like the UN and
UNESCO. The promotion of women in new and active roles in successive Chavez
administrations and at local levels too is also an impressive achievement.
If one compares, for instance the minimal progressive
changes Blair and the Labour government brought in during their 10 years in
power, then the Chavez governments’ achievement is all the more impressive. He
set in motion a genuine socialist revolution in the face of implacable and
vitriolic opposition, given succour by its supporters in Washington.
One could go on and on, but the above examples should serve
to demonstrate the immensity of the achievements of the past decade. In a
recent report (The Rise of the South) by the United Nations Development
Programme categorises Venezuela
as exhibiting a ‘high’ score on the Human Development Index in the context of
economic growth in the global south. Venezuela
has seen some of the greatest poverty reduction and quality of life increases
over the past decade. Acting president Maduro has said he is committed to
maintaining and expanding the missions programme and is setting up a
co-ordinating body to optimise the use of resources and to increase their
efficiency even more.
The right-wing opposition candidate Capriles is so desperate
to get elected that he is making the wildest promises such as offering to raise
the minimum wage by 40% (it was Chavez who introduced the concept of a minimum
wage in the first place) and that he will ‘recapture the acquisitive power of
the workers’! He continually patronises former bus driver and trade union
leader, Maduro, with ruling class arrogance. He said having Maduro at the helm
‘is like putting a junior doctor in the pilot’s seat of a plane because he
happens to be the son of a pilot.’ Echoing Bush, he says he is, ’ undertaking a
crusade to ensure that the country ‘is not governed by lies’.
In recent months Venezuela had opened up a new channel of communication with
the US in order to attempt to mend fences, but these were broken off at the end
of March in response to interfering and insulting comments by US State
department Assistant Secretary for Latin America, Roberta Jacobsen who said, in
an interview with the Spanish daily El Pais that it would be ‘a little
difficult’ for Venezuela to conduct ‘clean and transparent elections’. Shortly before this US secretary of state John
Kerry had said that ‘depending on what happens in Venezuela, there could be an
opportunity for a transition’. There is no doubt that the US
is doing all it can to boost the chances of Capriles and undermine Maduro, but
even it realises his chances are slim. Maduro has constantly warned his supporters
to remain peaceful and avoid violent confrontations or provocations by the opposition.
It is always dangerous to predict political outcomes, but
most opinion polls and sober assessments put Maduro well ahead of his opponent.
If nothing earth-shattering happens between now and 14th April
Maduro is most likely to be the next president. National representatives of the
indigenous peoples of Venezuela
have endorsed Maduro and he has the full support of the other left parties in
the government coalition, including the Communist Party which usually polls
around half a million votes. By the end of March an opinion poll conducted on
behalf of Barclays Bank international
put Maduro ahead of Capriles by 14.4 points.
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